What am I doing lately?

This page is dedicated to certain events I will be participating in, jobs I’m working on, new art techniques, and things I find interesting! Read along and get to know me as a person and artist beyond my creations!

Juried Art Show

For more information about my piece or the art show please feel free to reach out in my contact section of my website!

Terrain 15 - October 3rd-4th

I’m super excited to share that I have been accepted into my first juried art show. My piece, Relief in Yourself, will be featured in Spokane, WA’s annual juried art show Terrain. I’m honored to be included alongside many other artists for this amazing opportunity!

Jundt Art Museum

Currently, while I am still a student, I am employed at my university’s on campus art museum. I am a gallery attendant for our rotating exhibition space and also a collections intern. In just a short time I’ve learned so much about how to correctly handle objects, such as hanging and storing paintings and prints, as well as cataloging and doing inventory for our upcoming online database.

Art Coordinator Internship

While I am also a student and employee, I am simultaneously interning as an art coordinator for the Catholic Charities Gonzaga Family Haven. The GFH is a home for low income families who have previously experienced homelessness within the community. My role is to find local artists to display art on a wall located within their recreational reflection room. We encourage the residents to reflect frequently on the land we are on and become mindful of the spaces around us. With those themes in mind, I search for artists who fit said theme and are willing to share their work for brief periods of time.

Artists who have been featured:

Lauren Adkinsson, Lucy Coyle, Sally Graves Machlis, and Delphine Keim

Student at Gonzaga University

My journey in Spokane, WA started when I came to study art at Gonzaga University in the Fall of 2021. I will be a senior this year and soaking up my last here on campus. I will be eternally grateful for my education and all the experiences and opportunities brought my way thanks to Gonzaga. This year, I will begin my hunt for grad schools to further my art history education.

Study Abroad: Florence Italy

In the spring of my sophomore year of college (2023), I had the opportunity to study abroad in Florence, Italy thanks to my university’s program. I spent 4 months taking art classes and studying art history hands on that I normally would’ve not had the chance to take, in addition to practicing my Italian speaking skills. I was able to travel to many countries and encounter both fun and difficult experiences that I think have helped me grow as an individual and as an artist. I will, like many other aspects of my life, be forever grateful I was able to take part in this program and how it has helped shape me.